Course curriculum

    1. Systemic questioning introduction

    1. Self positioning and reflexive questions

    2. Exercise: self-positioning

    3. Exercise reflections

    1. Engagement and Social Graces (with downloads)

    2. Exercise: examples of engagement questions (with audio)

    3. Social Graces and staying curious exercise

    4. Exercise: staying curious (with audio)

    1. Goals and noble intent

    2. Exercise: different questions have different kinds of impact (with audio)

    3. Exercise: types of questions (with audio above)

    4. Introduction to the video

    5. Examples of questioning

    6. Exercise: three systemic tools

    1. Endings

    2. Final reflections and resources

    3. Close

About this course

  • £114.00
  • 17 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

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