Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    1. The landscape of conflict in divorce

    2. What working in this landscape is like

    3. The never ending argument

    4. Film clip - Monty Python

    1. Introduction to case study

    2. What's going on for Aaron and Julia?

    1. What is your attitude to conflict?

    1. The Drama triangle part 1

    2. The Drama triangle part 2

    3. The Drama Triangle part 3

    4. Part 4 - the case study

    1. Understanding what is going on

    2. What to do in practice - listening/acknowledging

    3. What to do in practice - a helpful tool #1

    4. What to do in practice - a helpful tool #2

About this course

  • £114.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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