Course curriculum

    1. Introductions

    2. The challenges of setting health boundaries in legal practice

    1. Common difficulties experienced by family lawyers

    2. What are boundaries? Common difficulties experienced by family lawyers

    3. Why setting and maintaining boundaries can be difficult

    4. Why setting and maintaining boundaries can be difficult

    5. Exercise 1

    6. What are boundaries and why are they are important?

    7. Ways that boundaries are enacted between people

    8. Three helpful ideas to conceptualise boundaries

    9. Using boundary ideas to understand problems

    10. The difficulty with spotting boundary issues

    11. The difficulty with spotting boundary issues

    12. Reflective exercise 2

    13. Key boundary struggles

    14. Key boundary struggles

    1. Boundaries and use of self

    2. Boundaries and use of self

    3. Emotion and power

    4. Reflective exercise 3

    5. Polarities

    6. Polarities

    7. Reflective exercise 4

    8. Breaches of boundaries

    9. Reflective exercise 5

    10. Reflexivity and boundaries

    1. Noticing and naming problems – a decisional balance tool

    2. Boundaries and the drama triangle

    3. Authoritative doubt

    4. Authoritative doubt

    5. Safe uncertainty

    6. Safe uncertainty

    7. Reflective exercise 6

    1. The impact of good boundary setting

    2. The impact of good boundary setting

    3. Practice wisdoms and changes to practice

    4. Top Tips

    5. Concluding video

    1. Overview

    2. Resources

    3. References

About this course

  • £114.00
  • 41 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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